chinese manichaeism造句
- However, the central object of veneration in Pure Land Buddhism, Amitbha, the Buddha of Infinite Light, does not appear in Chinese Manichaeism, and seems to have been replaced by another deity.
- Chinese Manichaeism identifies as a teaching with the purpose of awakening ( [ O " f?" ), and it is a monotheism worshipping the universal God ( " Shangdi ", " M韓gzkn " f
- Its arrival in the province is linked to a certain Manichaean preacher who fled to Fujian from persecutions in North China, traveled extensively throughout the province, and eventually died and was buried in Quanzhou Prefecture, which thus became one of the centers of Chinese Manichaeism during the Song dynasty.
- It's difficult to see chinese manichaeism in a sentence. 用chinese manichaeism造句挺难的
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